Colour palettes

Choose a colour, which will give your interior a special character.
For painting our wooden and wood-aluminium windows we use ecological varnish only from reliable suppliers, whose products show the best properties.
They provide perfect painting cover and perfect protection of wood against weather factors. The range of colors is based on RAL system of cover color pallet and azure colors.
You can find the complete RAL colour palette at the website:
Aluminum caps for wood-aluminium windows are available in colours from the basic RAL palette. However, for those who appreciate extraordinary solutions, we can offer the non-standard ACC 2 colour palette:
Aluron Color Collection 2 - palettes of aluminium colours
Aluron Color Collection 2 (ACC 2) is an individual and exclusive palette of colors available only under the ALURON brand. It contains over 60 custom, modern and interesting colors that give the windows and buildings a unique character. This wide range of colors gives the opportunity to emphasize the original design, design and aesthetics of the building in the surroundings.
ACC 2, to paleta kolorów malowanych proszkowo w różnych stopniach połysku, strukturach i dekorach drewnopodobnych. Nowa kolekcja zawiera także wzornik kolorów anody oraz lakierów imitujących anodę. Malowanie proszkowe w lakierniach ALURON realizowane jest wg standardów QUALICOAT.
Source: Aluron
over the last 30 years.